Dyno2 Dynamometer Software – translations

Dyno2 software is written primarily in English language. This is the preferred language to use for best user experience and support.

From version 2.24.0 the software has the ability to use translation files to be displayed in different languages. Currently, supported languages are:

  • English
  • Polish

If you want to distribute dynamometers with Dyno2 software translated to your native language:

  1. Go to /home/pi/.dyno2/translations and get translation template file dyno2_template.ts
  2. Paste the translation template on your desktop PC and rename it to use your 2-letter country code. For example, rename it to dyno2_pl.ts
  3. Download and install QT Linguist
  4. Open the translation file with QT Linguist and make the translation by following these instructions.
  5. Make translation release by clicking File / Release in QT Linguist.
  6. Copy the release file (i.e. dyno2_pl.qm) back to /home/pi/.dyno2/translations
  7. Run the software and select your translation in SETTINGS / Misc / UI language
  8. Restart the software and check your translation
  9. Go to SETTINGS / Channels and set up channels per your country preferences. This includes among other Display name and Unit.
  10. Optionally, contact me to include your translation in the next software release.